Creating a staff subject area

To create a staff subject area

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Shared Files icon Shared Files.

  2. From the left-hand pane, right-click Picture of the Staff Subject Areas icon Staff Subject Areas and from the menu, choose New Staff Subject Area.

  3. Type a name for the staff subject area, for example a department name. We recommend that you keep the name as short as possible.

  4. Click OK. The new staff subject area is created.


  • You can use RM Explorer or Windows Explorer to add content to the staff subject area.

  • To create a staff subject area, you can also choose Picture of the New button in the toolbar and from the menu choose Staff Subject Area, or from the File menu choose New, Staff Subject Area.

Related Topics

Change access to a staff subject area
View and edit the content of a staff subject area